I've been a hi-top lover since my first pair of hot pink Converse when I was about 7....
and don't get me wrong...I do love putting girly shoes on....but chances are you'll find me in some sort of sneakers on a daily basis...although boots are making a comeback in my closet!!!
I love these crazy hi-tops (above)...they are....i know, i know.......Louis Vuitton....shi-shi-la-la you are thinking...yes, but they are inspired by Stephen Sprouse....(80's designer who like uptown sensibilty with downtown punk and pop...think graffiti and punk and neon colors! He actually had his flagship store in Union Square which is where we shot the "balloon picture"...the store's not there anymore......but a random fact to read!

these shoes are the business!!! I got them for free when I got to dig through the Shoe collection at Vans (I went with my friend Ian, who is a photographer, who shoots things for them!)...his super cool friend, Chris Overholser (who is the marketing-PR master at Vans)...blessed me with a new show collection!!!!

i stinkin' LOVE these zebra shoes!!!!! The sad thing is....I was so excited...the only pair they had was huge...and I thought I could fit in them....but sadly they were still toooooooo lengthy.....if you want a pair..they are called VANS VAULT HI FI LX....i still "walk" (rock) a black pair...but man I love the ZEBRA!!!!! below is me "walkin" the black VANS in NY...which I love too....but you know me and exotic animal prints!!! ha ha ha (you can buy them at: VANS.COM)
My sister got the J-man the cool gold and black kicks....and as you can prolly' guess.....I got him the the turquoise, silva' and zebra babies!!! (they are by Draven...and were on clearance at Hot Topic! what...shoes like these on clearance!!! And for your info..they are VEGAN shoesies! go to draven.com

here's my other fav pair of people movers...... these babies are my ROYAL ELASTICS which I love......I got mine at a store on MELROSE AVE.....i think they are called the "king" hi-top.....not sure if you can still get them on the site....but here it is: www.royalelastics.com

the only high I get....is with my "tops"...ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
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