rumoursU R the one who is CHARMING U R the one who is INTELLIGENT U R the one who is CUTE and I am the One who is spreading these RUMOURS. …Read More...
you cheersFor pepsi "shahrukh" For coke "aamir" For mirinda "vivek" For fanta "rani" & For Thums Up "Akshay" Don"t worry For Bante wala soda…Read More...
1You are equal to sixty james bond! How?? 007 * 60 = 420 …Read More...
99100 idiotsFact1: You can not touch your lower lip with your tounge... Fact2: After reading this, 99/100 idiots would try it.. …Read More...
troublesYou are one of the most CUTE persons in the world!! Just a second, don"t misunderstand. CUTE means: Creating Useless Troubles Everywh…Read More...
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