My Skin Care Routine....tada!

paris fashion latest
hi all my peeps!
so again....i accidentally erased the video I did on "what you need in your basic make-up kit" frustrating!
but.....I didn't erase my "skincare routine" video! YAY!!!!
so here we to the land of "near perfect" (or as perfect as you can get your pores!) skin-land....

I am so tired from my shoots this week....and then trying to make videos at night.......BUT...after my Skagen jewelry campaign shoot today...I stopped by the MAC store...where my girls called me up and said, "Come and pick up you HEllo Kitty...make-up"...
I'm gonna do a look with the new Hello KItty Collection..I love it...there is a lipstick you should all go get....I'll tell ya about it soon!

smiles and sparkles.....kandee!

oh PS...I forgot to mention in the video...if you get a zit or some kind of something with Salicylic kills the bacteria which caused the blemish in the first place....and creates a protective barrie from further infecting FAVORITE is SPOT REMOVER from can get it here:
everyone whold have this in their bathroom cabinet!!!

YAY~ i just realized I didn't erase the "make-up essentials videos"...I'll post it tomorrow!

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