home sweet make-up trailer

paris fashion latesta haven away from set.....
when it's hot....people want to escape to the cool oasis known as the make-up trailer.
same when it's cold...production assistants seem to ask me questions that require them to linger, for unusually long periods of time...
but another amazing thing takes place when one enters the make-up trailer...
it is not only the beginning of the day's process...it is the beginning of their "transformation"...it is a unique experience where, somehow in the safety of the make-up "cocoon", people feel like they can pour their heart out...

there is an intimate collaboration that takes place between the art director, make-up artist, stylist and the photographer or director, who is like the captain of the ship...an artist's personality has to work with the personalities of a particular team. And there is an even closer bond that gets formed between the make-up artist and the talent....you see them bare bones...bad hair, skin, without the help of their Spanx...you name it.

It is more than just the outcome of how they're going to look...it's the act of letting their true self shine...
I myself, have a very maternal side...I enjoy taking care of people, making them feel happy and encouraged....by doing this I believe it makes them rest their faces and hearts in my hand...
I have been told many details and secrets that I don't think many other people know...I like to just listen to whomever is in my chair, and their heart pours out...and my heart wants to help make them feel as confident and beautiful as what they've opened up and revealed to me...
What happens when someone steps in the make-up trailer....is so much more than just foundation and hairspray....it's bonding and I apply a heavy coat of bringing out the beauty of the person inside...without anyone knowing...just by offering my ear and kindness...oh what fun the make-up trailer had provided:
*a world famous chef made me ice cream on potato chips
*watching a mean actress get her picture taken with cucumbers on her eyes, and then someone printing it on the call-sheet the next day
*watching a 7 foot tall NBA star, struggle to duck inside the trailer door and sit on the chair like it's doll furniture
*finding latex molds of one of the Charlie's Angels stars boobs (ha ha ha)
*listening to people gossip about other celebrities...while I just LISTEN
*kids in the trailer...a guaranteed laugh....
I like that people run to the little haven I've created in the make-up trailer...

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