Tweezers in Taiwan

paris fashion latest
This is the scene of my "vanity table" in my hotel room, located in the "fabulous" city of Taipei, Taiwan...yes, unbeknownst to many people...they ship American models over there, they love blonde hair and blue eyes.....I possessed neither of those...but I did have something they didn't....a pink pair of Tweezerman Tweezers...ha ha ha....these babies are still keeping my eyebrows sharper than a Ginsu knife....and that was almost 15 years ago.... I haven't ever sharpened those suckers either... so what if they cost $30 dolla's... you'll have precision in your brow er-rea for the next 20 years...
and you'll be looking in your old pictures and flip-upon a vintage picture of your "vanity table"...and see it's time for your tweezers 15 year reunion....
you betta' raise an eye brow...okaaaay

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